Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Skyler's Personal Pledge

Skyler Markham
Stein 2-3

I pledge that I will not fool around in class or talk out of turn. I will not litter or leave my trash lying around. I will also make sure no one else is littering. If people are being bullied, I'll step in and stand up for them. I will help this school!

For my teachers, I will always follow their directions and look up to them as role models. I will not interrupt or dishonor them in any way. I will respect them and and be a good student and please them. I will not force them to give me detentions or behavior slips. I will make them proud.

For myself, I will not be flouncy or be too girly. I'm trying to tone down my actions because it results in me being made fun of and teased. I am also going to start studying for math (a class that I am struggling in) really hard because I would like to receive at least a B in that class. I will work hard!


Audric said...

nice job. your the first one I saw!

Skyler said...
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Anonymous said...

Good intentions! Very thoughtful. I like that you want to help the class, the school, and yourself.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful and heartfelt pledge. And so beautifully written. Great job!