Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Zoe's Personal Pledge

Zoe Monty-Montalvo
February 27,2007
To my peers and school I pledge to try and stop others from littering and not picking up trash. I will not lie, cheat, swear, or spread mean and harmful rumors amongst my friends. To my peers and school I pledge to create a good learning enviorment for others. Also, ask my classmates and friends many questions. I will be nice to other kids, nice means to be helpful and and not mean. I will help my class mates on a certain lesson or concept that if I can.
To the teachers and staff at Miller Creek I pledge to work extremely hard and learn a lot of interesting information. To the teachers at MC I pledge to keep acting appropriately and I will attempt to stop my class mates from not listening and behaving badly. I will treat all students, teachers, and staff equal and with the respect that they deserve. I pledge to stay out of trouble, and walk to the lunch line and tell other students to stop talking or to listen in class when supposed to.
To my self I pledge to act nice and and study hard. I pledge to keep high academic grades, and to pay attention and listen in class. I will also do certain things to get extra help in some of my classes. I will participate in important activities,and help others participate too if they are not. Lastly I will be open to change in any shape or form.

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