Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I pledge, By Daniel

At Miller Creek many students are losing their focus and ability to learn. So, I pledge to my peers that I will help more around school. In class I will try to focus a little better and get other kids who are off track, back on track. Most students at Miller Creek are very independent, but maybe the ones that aren't can be helped by the more focused students. I will try to be a good role model by being a responsible student. So, if our school could just try to help the needier students, it would be a better school. That's why I pledge to help struggling students.

The teachers at Miller Creek are probably very stressed out, so maybe there is a way I can help. Teachers have to deal with all kinds of students, good ones and bad ones. They also have lots of work to handle at school, that's why they have teacher's aides. Next year I can become an aide, and if I can't, I can help them during class. I can help them by assisting other students. So, I pledge to help my teachers with some of the more difficult students and jobs in their classrooms.

I pledge to myself that I will be more respectful. Like at school, I will not forget work at home or in my locker. Also, I will not procractinate on school assignments. If everyone, including me, would put in 100% into all of their schoolwork, our school would be a better place. That's how I pledge to make our school a better place to learn.


daniel licht said...

I like the pledge very much. I sepecially like the part about not procrastinating, the one area I think you can really improve on. Being a good example to other students is an excellent way to make your school a better place. Believe it or not, most kids look up to "good kids" and wish they could be more like them. Keep up the good work and your school, and the world, will be a better place.

daniel licht said...

That last comment was from Daniel's mom