Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nina's Pledge Blog

Nina Passero
February 27, 2007

2-3 period
Personal Pledge

To my peers and school community I pledge to be the best person that I can be! If I see trash on the ground, I will pick it up, even if it doesn’t belong to me. On the days that I P.U.G., I will give 100% effort to cleaning the campus. I will be kind to my peers and respect the beautiful campus that I am so lucky to be on. I believe that this school has the potential to be perfect and I will do whatever I can to help it get there.

To the Miller Creek teachers and staff I pledge to be a good citizen. I will continue to participate in class discussions and try my hardest. I will be respectful to teachers and peers. I will respect the supplies that are given to me. I know how hard teachers work and I will listen as they are talking and give them everything they deserve.

To my self I pledge to take pride in my work and respect myself. I will continue to get good grades and try my best in everything that I do. I will try to get a good night’s sleep every night and eat a nutricious breakfast everyday. I know that if I do this, I will be an outstanding student and citizen.

Ellen's pledges.

My personal pledge
My peers at my school. I pledge that the little fights my friends and I get in to will stop. The fights are about stupid and mainly food related. They are about carrots, chips, and pretzels. Some actions I will take are if they want to have the food I will just give it to them. Another way is to just to eat all of your food. There is also so many other ways to stop those fights.
The teachers and staff at school. I pledge that the spirit days and assembles will have the perpespective of not just fun but learning to work with others. You will need that skill later in life. The team mates you have are your friends and also your peers so we get stressed some times when we go up there. So we calm down each other by cheering them on and letting them know they can do it. That is a lot of fun for us and them.
I pledge to myself that I will try to go to the club that I sighed up for. I will try to make that commitment. If I sigh up for a club or an after school activity I will go to every meeting. The school play is a big deal to Mr. Ptak. I would love to be in the play but I missed the day of tryouts. So what I am doing is I am the lead stage hand. That is a cool job and important too.

Hannah Personal Pledge Goals

At Miller Creek Middle School, it takes lots of effort to make our school a positive community. I believe that helping my peers with academic problems is one way to better the school. In addition, I am always glad to help my friends with homework. For my school community, I pick up litter that is not mine, give charity, and come to learn every day. In the future, my pledge is to encourage kids to behave and do their work. It is up to me and other good students to stop kids from misbehaving and make them focus on school. Also, I pledge to prevent students from talking and wasting valuable time in class. This will result in less lectures and homework from teachers. I will use all my effort to improve my peers' behavior and strengthen our school community.
I definitely try to help the teachers and staff of Miller Creek. For example, I listen quietly to their directions and obey their rules. Additionally, I participate in most class discussions and state my opinions clearly. However, I still have some goals that I would like to achieve. To the teachers and staff of Miller Creek, I pledge to make students more serious about education and urge them to finish activities. I will make sure kids have a good attitude about learning, and will continue to offer assistance with assignments. Instead of telling people the answer, I will give them useful information or clues to help them figure it out. My support for the teachers and staff will hopefully benefit our community.
To change Miller Creek Middle School in a positive way, I will strive to accomplish my goals. One goal is to enjoy myself more at school. There are many distractions that are keeping me from succeeding in this goal. For instance, other adolescents socialize during class, which makes me lose my focus on school activities. Therefore, socializing is fun for me, but learning with interruptions is not. Another one of my goals is to enlarge my circle of friends. I often hang out with the same girls outside of school. It would be nice if I reached out to different girls and got together with them once in a while. This could make all of us happier and motivate us to meet new people. I will try hard to keep Miller Creek Middle School a great learning environment.

Dar's Personal Pledge Blogg

To my peers and school companions I pledge, that i will not be the class clown. I will make sure I do not get in trouble doing stupid things. I will not act immature or have inappropiate classroom behavior. I will not deduct from any of your classroom learning time with childish behavior. I will act as more of a leader than a troublemaker.
To the Miller Creek teaching staff I pledge,to not be such a troublemaker. I will not fool around in class or make it hard for you to teach. I will be more of a role model to other students than a class clown. i will make it so others ask me for help, instead of laugh at my childish behavior. I will turn in all my assignments in on time. I also pledge that i won't get into any more trouble. I will make it so, that if I'm doing something wrong, I make sure I fix it and it doesn't happen again. I will go back to my 3.8 GPA and make sure it doesn't snoop down lower than a 3.4.
I pledge to myself that i will stop lying about stupid things. I will stop lying to my parents and teachers when they ask me simple questions. Like, to my parents for instance, when they ask if I've done my homework, I won't lie and say I did if I really haven't. Or if my teachers ask if I did something not to say no if I actually did do it. There is no point in lying about small things that will come back and haunt me in the future.

Sarah's pledges

I pledge to be helpful. I will give a lot of hard work to benefit our Miller Creek. With hard work we find that we'll have a school with many possibilities. The options we gain now will help shape our future. I also pledge to be friendly, to give and not to take away. To be friendly is to be kind, to be happy, and respectful of everyone. I will take helpful actions be not distracting others, by giving assistance and by being open to change. I shall be friendly be keeping rumors to my self by not running the fun or experience of others, and staying focused to benefit learning of others.
I also pledge to be respectful to the teachers and staff of Miller Creek. I will be respectful by not disrupting the class. I will not interrupt when others are talking. I will pay attention and do my part to make this a better school. All students have a responsibility to our school and I will always keep doing what I’m supposed to do.
I pledge to myself to try harder. I will also try to get better grades. I plan to listen more attentively and ask more questions. I want to pledge this to myself because I want to get into a good high school. I hope I can achieve all of these goals for the benefit of others and myself.

I pledge, By Daniel

At Miller Creek many students are losing their focus and ability to learn. So, I pledge to my peers that I will help more around school. In class I will try to focus a little better and get other kids who are off track, back on track. Most students at Miller Creek are very independent, but maybe the ones that aren't can be helped by the more focused students. I will try to be a good role model by being a responsible student. So, if our school could just try to help the needier students, it would be a better school. That's why I pledge to help struggling students.

The teachers at Miller Creek are probably very stressed out, so maybe there is a way I can help. Teachers have to deal with all kinds of students, good ones and bad ones. They also have lots of work to handle at school, that's why they have teacher's aides. Next year I can become an aide, and if I can't, I can help them during class. I can help them by assisting other students. So, I pledge to help my teachers with some of the more difficult students and jobs in their classrooms.

I pledge to myself that I will be more respectful. Like at school, I will not forget work at home or in my locker. Also, I will not procractinate on school assignments. If everyone, including me, would put in 100% into all of their schoolwork, our school would be a better place. That's how I pledge to make our school a better place to learn.

I Pledge... by Brian Belgarde

I look forward to coming to Miller Creek everyday. This is because we have so many great activities. These activities are what make school fun. Still there are those few people that have to ruin it for everyone.
To my school and community I pledge to donate my time and any object I possess to a greater cause. Everyday in homeroom we read the bulletin, and everyday there is some type of charity to donate to. I want to be the person whom is recognized as the most caring. I will do anything to help my community and or world for that matter. When all my friends and peers grow-up and look at our 2007 yearbook, I want them to say,"Oh yeah, Brian was that kid who cared so much about our community.
To my teachers and staff I pledge to be positive and not disrupt class. Almost once-a-week I feel like just not doing my homework. As my teachers know I pull past that feeling and just do it. I'm sure many of my classmates go through the same thing, and I would like to help them.
About everyday someone disrupts one of my classes. After six months of this, it really gets old. I wouldn't like to have to live with knowing I took learning time away from lots of kids. That is why I pledge to stop the negative and disruptive classes I experience almost everyday.
To myself I pledge to always do my best. This sounds really easy, but think again. After school I do homework, play in my basketball game, and then go to another basketball practice. At our practice we run suicides (sprints.) Since I'm so tired by then I usually just jog them. I am aware that this defeats the purpose, but I usually don't care. Next time I'll remember this essay and just sprint. As well as the basketball court, the classroom is important too. I plan to do my best on any assignment given. If I get an "F" on an assignment, but I knew I tried my hardest I won't care. This is because I knew I gave all my effort and no less.
Overall our school is a great place, with the exceptions of some. Before I leave Miller Creek, I want it to just be a great place with the exception of none. This will not be an easy task, but it is one I will strive to work for.

Libby's Pledge

I would like to make Miller Creek a better place for me, my friends, my teachers, and everybody at this remarkable school. To my friends and school community, I pledge to throw away my litter and to remind my peers to do the same. Also, I pledge to not become involved in their own social problems if they don’t want me to be. Even though I will try very hard to stay cool and collected, sometimes my friends pull me into stupid fights. If this happens, I pledge to stay relaxed, and will try my very hardest to calm them down. I hope these pledges will help make Miller Creek a better place.
To my teachers and all of the staff at Miller Creek, I pledge to not talk out of turn during classes, and to try to keep my friends silent as well. I am completely aware that this is one of the biggest problems here at Miller Creek. In most of my classes, there is a certain group of people who are complete chatter-boxes. To add to that, they are very immature, and laugh at almost everything. I truly want to have the opportunity to learn without any annoying distractions.
Finally, to myself, I pledge to not be pulled into peer pressure. I really want to do well in school , and if all I worry about is looks and what other people think of me, I’m going to fail. I need to focus on my studies. I’m hoping that I won’t feel the need to be “perfect” just for other kids. I hope all of these pledges will help improve all aspects of MIller Creek, and my life.

Kayla's Blog

My peers and school community I pledge to help make the school a better place and to make it a better learning environment , but i can not talk for the other students. I am not littering or throwing anything on the ground. I respect everything around the school. I also respect the other students that go here. I will continue to do all of these things and help other people to do them to.

To the teachers and staff of Miller Creek I promise to do my part in class. I do not cut in the lunch lines. I promise to work hard at everything. I I think that the teachers are doing a good job. All the kids are happy here and most people do work hard. The teachers the I have had so far have been pretty patient and nice. I hope that the teachers continue to be like this.

To myself. I pledge to become a better student. I need to bring my grade up in math. I have to start being better at math now and not start later. I know I need to do better in all classes, so I can be anything I want to be. I really want to go to college, so that is another reason I have to do better in school.
Katie Cameron
February 28, 2007
L.A. Period 2-3


I have heard the seagulls. I have seen the garbage. I am flabbergasted. I am not persiflage, I pledge that I am going to make sure my friends and I pick up after ourselves at lunch and break. Since we are only three people, we will hardly make a dent in the school grounds, I promise that when I am free, I will P.U.G. at least once a month, for points and for out points. I also promise that when I am going out to lunch, I will not run. I promise.
To the school and everyone in it, I promise I will not talk out of turn in class. I pledge not to burst out in giggles in class, especially when the teacher is talking, or another student is talking. I also promise that I will always raise my hand to talk in class. I came here to learn and that is exactly what I’m going to do. I look scornfully on those whom pull pranks on teachers, and vandalize. So, I pledge that I will not be friends or support any person who will consider it. I swear.
Last but absolutely not least; I vow to myself. As I said, I pledge to hang around with a kind, good group of kids (and adults). I will never skip school. I will never take drugs, unless I have my doctors letter. I think physical fights at school are babyish, so I will not get into any! And yet again I pledge to P.U.G.! I pledge.

Maria's Pledges

February 28, 2007
I Pledge

Schools all over the world have students drop out and slack. Although Miller Creek is a great school there are people who don't work hard or take school seriously. it's so sad to see kids my age acting like they are eighteen or six! Peer pressure is becoming a bigger issue every year as fitting in becomes peoples main focus. I pledge to my friends and peers that i won't be persuaded to do things that are bad for me or my school work.

With global warming becoming a bigger issue, it is important to clean up after ourselves. If we leave a huge mess, not only will it affect our school, but our earth too. Do you remember a time when you have said "I'm too lazy to walk five steps to the trash?" I promise to make our environment a better place for everyone.

During class, I often hear the teachers getting frustrated at students for talking. Over the past few weeks, I have started realizing how stressful this must be for teachers. As i look around, I see students being rude to all the staff members. Nobody does anything about it. I pledge that i will make a difference and do my best to change that.

We are all starting to realize the harsh truth that it takes hard work and effort to succeed. As for myself, I wish I had realized it sooner, because I have created a pile of things I have to do now. I'm glad that I have started working harder because it will benefit the rest of my life. I promise to always try my best in my life.

Maria Newman

Anthony's Pledge

To my peers and, society I will always pick up my trash, and the trash of those who forget after there finished eating their food. I will help my community by volunteering to clean, painting over graffiti, so Marin County can look better then it does. I will help raise money for the school by washing cars, and fundraisers to sell candy and cookies. I will be a leader not a follower. I will help citizens that has a problem, and need somebody to talk to them. If someone is hurt I will get help as soon as I can and I won't just leave them there in pain.To my teachers, and stuff at Miller Creek Middle School. I will behave myself in your class. I will not talk when you are talking , I will follow your directions in your class, and the rule that goes along with it. During your class I will always be focusing and paying full attention to you. I will know when to laugh and when not to laugh.I won't do immature things, such as tripping people when walking, throwing a piece of paper like if it was a basketball, I will use my common sense and just go near it and throw it away.I promise to myself that I won't, and will not do foolish things in your class. I won't go to the office and sit for the rest of the time period. I will listen, and follow directions in your class. I'm sorry if I gave you a hard time in your class, sorry if I miss behave. I will think before I act in class from now on out. I will show that I'm a good citizen, and won't be a follower.

Ariana Pahlavan's Pledge

Ariana Pahlavan
2-3 period

My Personal Pledge Goals

To my peers and school community, I pledge to recycle more and not litter. The consequence of littering is that we might have to have a lunch lock down. Then we won't be able to spend time with our friends. I also promise to never interrupt class time and not take away from anybodies learning experience. I commit to treat my peers with respect and I will not be apart of cliques. Cliques can hurt people's feelings and I don't want to participate in them.

To the teachers and staff of Miller Creek, I assure you that I will participate more in class discussions. I will express my opinion on the subject. I am going to work on forming better study habits too. I will not get relaxed when I get a good grade and then not study well for the next test. I also promise to follow school rules because I know that they are only for my safety. I will put my best effort into everything that I do so that I can maintain good grades and achieve anything that I put my mind to.

To myself, I pledge not to be affected by peer pressure. I will not change who I am because of someone elses opinion about me. I will keep up my hard work and pay attention in class. I also vow not to let social issues interfere with my academics. I won't get distracted during class and I will continue to do my best. These are all life skills that I have, and would like to have. If everyone had these characteristics, we would have a better school.

Michael's Pledge

Michael Gerhold

Littering is bad for the environment, and for our school. That is why I, Michael Gerhold will make a personal pledge to my peers and school community not to liter. I will pick up my trash and others people trash that they were to lazy to pick up on there own.The more trash we leave on the campus, it looks like we do not care about our school environment.People walk there dogs and they might not walk there dogs anymore because of the chance there dog will get sick from eating old food. If we picked up our trash, it would look like we cared about our school.
The teachers and staff are sick of wasting class time to lecture the class about good behavior.I pledge to never waste there time on correcting me for something stupid like talking when I'm not supposed to.I will talk when the teacher gives us permission and when it is a partner activity.All the class time we waste could be used fore something fun or interesting.When Mr. Stein was going to show us his Morocco slideshow, he had to correct us on behavior by giving us a much needed lecture.
My math grade could be higher so I will pledge to my self to raise my math grade. I would like it to be B+, but that is kinda unreleasable.I am still going to try because I believe I can do it. I a a good student and know that this dream isn't impooible, but far away.

Elizabeth's Pledges

Elizabeth Valverde
What I will Do

Lately there have been problems at Miller Creek. People don’t follow the rules thinking they can get away with it and the truth is that a fair amount of students do get away with it. Everyone needs to cooperate to make the school better. For my part I will encourage my peers to stay focused in class. I believe that everyone has the potential to stay focused and get good grades they just need practice and support.
I have recently felt that I have not been respectful to my teachers. They are very important in Miller Creek because they teach us a lot of interesting topics. They deserve to get respect from every single student, every single day. I think I am not giving them the amount that they have worked so hard to obtain. During my reminding time here at Miller Creek I will make my experience, and more importantly, the teacher’s experience a memorable one.
The past few weeks I have allowed myself to goof off during school time. Now I realize that I should have never let myself do that. The end of the second trimester is approaching and the pressure is getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I will not be able to achieve my academic goals this trimester. I had a choice to make I chose to goof off and not put effort in my classes, now I must pay the consequences. Next trimester I will bring my back up again.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Lia Dramen
2nd/3rd period

There are many different things I can pledge to my peers and the school community. Littering is a problem at Miller Creek. I pledge not to litter, which I try not to do already, and to remind my friends to do the same. Also, being nice is better than being mean. I bet a lot of people want Miller Creek to be a kind learning environment and place to be at. Why worry about that when there is enough to stress about academic wise? We should all pledge to make the school a nicer environment.
To the teachers and staff I pledge to keep showing effort and working hard on all schoolwork. Teachers should, and usually do, continue wanting to teach and enjoying it. It would make all the teachers' jobs easier if every student did their homework, paid attention in class, studied for tests, and everything else an achieving and responsible student does. We might not be able to have 100% of the school doing this, but it's possible to encourage and influence others to and get close to it.
To myself I pledge to keep up my grades for all my school years. I want to balance education with everything else and learn what I need to learn at school. I pledge to work hard and do my best on whatever I do so I can accomplish what I want to.

Stephanie Rodriguez

Stephanie Rodriguez
Febuary 27,2007
2nd-3rd period
Personal Pledge Goals
To my peers and school community I pledge to keep strong effort academically. Also to focus during class so my peers and I will learn more. Arriving on time is also important because if I or someone else is constantly late it will take away from class time. Listening and not talking during class will give teachers more time to teach, which will give students less homework. If students take school more seriously they would have a better future.
Keeping the area clean, by not littering will make a safer school. It will also cause a more positive environment. Less litter will mean less seagulls. With less litter students would be trusted more and given more responsibility. If kids were careless about their trash there would be loss of privileges.
Teachers are very patient and positive. If we keep having lack of focus, teachers will end up giving more lectures than teaching. If less time was wasted, kids would not have as much homework. Also students would understand the curriculum better because teachers would have more time to explain it.
I pledge to myself to keep doing well academically and to be focused. I will also take school more seriously and not waste class time. I would like to have a positive school environment instead of a negative environment and I think many others would to. I also pledge to myself to learn and participate more.

Audric's pledge for all

What a school needs Audric Lecouturier
2nd period

A school may have a good side to it, but it also has a bad side to it. It's "bad" side is not the teachers or staffs fault, it's the students fault. Some kids just can't help but to be disrespectful. They don't care about others around them, and they don't care for things around them. The world revolves around them(at least they think it does). But the world can't revolve around them, it has to go around everyone. I can only start that by pledging that I will help my school, Miller Creek, become a better place. By not littering around the school, that will ensure a start. I can make the school a better environment by helping kids not swear so much. Stopping fights would be another improvement to the school, which I can help do. Not only do I have to respect the school, but the teachers who work to make us ready for real life.
The least I could do for all my teachers is be respectful to them, and listen to what advice they offer me. Teachers work hard for students, and I could make them proud of their job by studying more. This makes teachers happy to know that they are doing a good job of teaching students. It's boring for them to give an "F" to a student and feel bad about it. Also, I will try never to get a detention, which is going pretty well, considering I have never had one. Detentions give teachers more work and time is wasted. If everyone was good, the class wouldn't have to deal with constant interruptions. If I have helped others, then there is someone missing. It's me!
I have to help myself by staying on task, and paying attention. Taking notes is helpful for the next test that is coming up. Listening will maybe get interested in the topic, or asking questions will make a boring topic come alive a bit. Those things will make class for me better and might make me remember the topic better. Doing the homework would keep my grade up(of course), but doing a good job will enforce a good grade. A little more work won't kill me, would it? Like my mom always says,"It's not the end of the world!"

Zoe's Personal Pledge

Zoe Monty-Montalvo
February 27,2007
To my peers and school I pledge to try and stop others from littering and not picking up trash. I will not lie, cheat, swear, or spread mean and harmful rumors amongst my friends. To my peers and school I pledge to create a good learning enviorment for others. Also, ask my classmates and friends many questions. I will be nice to other kids, nice means to be helpful and and not mean. I will help my class mates on a certain lesson or concept that if I can.
To the teachers and staff at Miller Creek I pledge to work extremely hard and learn a lot of interesting information. To the teachers at MC I pledge to keep acting appropriately and I will attempt to stop my class mates from not listening and behaving badly. I will treat all students, teachers, and staff equal and with the respect that they deserve. I pledge to stay out of trouble, and walk to the lunch line and tell other students to stop talking or to listen in class when supposed to.
To my self I pledge to act nice and and study hard. I pledge to keep high academic grades, and to pay attention and listen in class. I will also do certain things to get extra help in some of my classes. I will participate in important activities,and help others participate too if they are not. Lastly I will be open to change in any shape or form.

Skyler's Personal Pledge

Skyler Markham
Stein 2-3

I pledge that I will not fool around in class or talk out of turn. I will not litter or leave my trash lying around. I will also make sure no one else is littering. If people are being bullied, I'll step in and stand up for them. I will help this school!

For my teachers, I will always follow their directions and look up to them as role models. I will not interrupt or dishonor them in any way. I will respect them and and be a good student and please them. I will not force them to give me detentions or behavior slips. I will make them proud.

For myself, I will not be flouncy or be too girly. I'm trying to tone down my actions because it results in me being made fun of and teased. I am also going to start studying for math (a class that I am struggling in) really hard because I would like to receive at least a B in that class. I will work hard!