Thursday, March 1, 2007

Noemi's Personal Pledge

To my peers and school community I pledge to try and make Miller Creek everything on the positive list that we created in class. I will do everything that I can to show strong effort and work together as a community. This is our school, and we all need to contribute positively for the well-being of our school. What I will not do is focus less on education, the very reason we are here. I will also not add to the increasingly negative behavior of this school. I will work hard to be good.

To my teachers and staff I pledge to not make your jobs any harder than they already are. I pledge to respect your views and opinions and to share mine. I know I have done so scarcely in the past, but I am willing to try and actively participate in class discussions. I pledge that I want to do better and help my peers to do so as well. I want to help bring the classroom back to a place of learning, not a place to chatter about mindless gossip or distract others.

To myself I pledge to not be influenced. To not be influenced by the people who work hard to distract others and disrupt the classroom. I pledge to not join in with the talking, and instead focus on my studies, as desired. I promise to work on adding more to class discussions because I am usually one of the quiet ones. Making the classroom a better learning environment is something I pledge to work on. I am open to changing my attitude and work ethic into something better.

1 comment:

Noemi said...

Your essay seems very honest and i hope you meant what you said.
