Friday, March 2, 2007

Michelle's blog

I pledge that I will do better in school by, getting a computer in first of all. I will do better in my classes.Asking for help when I need it. To my peers I pledge to be a better person by, always picking up my trash instead of leaving it for my friend.(she wants to do it. Nobody asks her.) I will tell my friends to quit down if the teacher is talking. I will pledge to the staff and the teachers that I will try my beast to deal with every thing that is going on with my family and what is going on right now. So I will try to push that away during school hours and when I am doing testing, school work. Any thing that has to do with school I will try to leave that aside. I pledge to my self that I will try my beast of going everything that I have to do in school, at home, any where I am I will try my beast and not give up.I pledge that I will do better in school by, getting a computer in first of all. I will do better in my classes.Asking for help when I need it. To my peers I pledge to be a better person by, always picking up my trash instead of leaving it for my friend.(she wants to do it. Nobody asks her.) I will tell my friends to quit down if the teacher is talking. I will pledge to the staff and the teachers that I will try my beast to deal with every thing that is going on with my family and what is going on right now. So I will try to push that away during school hours and when I am doing testing, school work. Any thing that has to do with school I will try to leave that aside. I pledge to my self that I will try my beast of going everything that I have to do in school, at home, any where I am I will try my beast and not give up.

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